***How do you like my new blog layout?!?
All credit goes to the amazing and talented Kimmie of Blue Paper Lanterns – Thank you Kimmie!***
You may have already read about a fantastic event that took place last week at the Thompson Hotel hosted by Annabelle and Marcelle and my favorite PR lady Isabel. It was definitely the most anticipated event of the year. As soon as the invites went out I saw chatter on my twitter timeline about what to wear and what the dress code “Urban Chic” meant LOL! Obviously everyone was excited!
The night did NOT disappoint. From the amazing venue, to the rumors that we could make our own lip gloss on top of that seeing all of my favorite bloggers in one spot and finally getting to meet some people I tweet with daily (and also stalk on twitter!) it was a night to remember!
Check out the view of the gorgeous Toronto skyline stepping off the patio to the roof top lounge:
And can someone let me know if this is a pool or something? They must have crazy cool parties in the summer time!
I took a shot of the cool “pillars” that also greeted us as we stepped off the elevator.
Almost as soon as I walked in I was greeted by “servers” with trays of makeup. I was oohing and awwing as I was checking everything out. Imagine my surprise when I was told I could take as much stuff as I liked!!!! (Oh why didn’t I bring a bigger purse that night?!?)
At the perimeter of the room there were “stations” set up with all of the upcoming Annabelle and Marcelle products most to be launched in the Spring.
^Annabelle smudgepaint liners^
^Annabelle Glitterama liquid eyeliners^
Look at those pretty colours!!!!
^Annabelle Big Show Lip glosses^
I love these, they feel so lightweight on and are not sticky at all!
^Marcelle Waterproof Eye makeup Remover^
Looking forward to trying this one out. Arianne of The Glitter Geek is always telling me how much she loves Marcelle’s Cleansing Water and this is suppose to be the same stuff but in gel form!
^Marcelle BB Cream^
Inspired by the popularity of of BB Creams in Asia now us ladies in North America have our own version! I’m not sold on the idea of BB Creams in general. To be honest I think you have to already have pretty great skin to get away with just wearing this, but I’m willing to try it out!
^Marcelle Xtension Plus Mascara^
Supposedly no need for an eyelash curler with this one! My lash extensions have all come out now so I will see how this mascara works on me.
^Marcelle Gene Youth Skin Care line^
Day cream, night cream and eye cream, meant for all ages. It’s always a good idea to think about anti aging products no matter what your age. Just make sure the products are appropriate for your skin type.
Now get this, also at the event was a lip gloss making booth! You read that correctly! This was definitely the hit of the party. You got to choose 4 – 6 of the colours below creating your own “recipe”
^Lipgloss pigments to choose from^
^My recipe^
^The result!!! I love it, I’ve actually been wearing this colour daily and it’s so pretty!^
And my outfit for the night:
Pants: LOFT (purchased through Kelly of Alterations Needed) 0P
Blazer: H&M (now available in black and teal) size 4
Top: Old Navy XS
Belt: Banana Republic (gift from ML of Twenty York Street)
Shoes: Geox size 7
Necklace: mark by Avon
Bracelet: Stella and Dot courtesy of Nicole
A party would not be a party without a host! Our lovely host for the night was the one and only Isabel looking STUNNING in red!!! She had her hair and makeup done by the talented Donna Marie.
Isabel is by far the most amazing PR person I have ever met. We first met at my very first Toronto Beauty Bloggers meet up where I pretty much met all my fellow beauty bloggers for the very first time as well and she has remained in touch not only because it’s her job but because she is certainly “one of us”.
She is kind and genuine and I was completely honoured to be invited to such a great event and to be given her “badge” and to be called one of her beauty bloggers
^Isabel and me!^
Thank you again to Annabelle, Marcelle and Isabel for inviting me to such an amazing event. I can’t wait until the new products launch so I can try them all out!
I took quite a few pictures at the event so I will post the rest of the pictures up on my facebook page.
Special mentions to those I hung out with that night and those I just met for the first time:
Kelly of Glitter Diaries
Arianne of The Glitter Geek
Lisamarie of Beauty Crazed
Stephanie of Blush Pretty and Fresh Beautiful the Skin Studio
Fiona of Fiona Man
Oliva of The Cheap Girl
Donna Marie of Makeup By Donna Marie
Tess of Makeup By Tess and Style Cents by Tess
Alicia of Funny Face Beauty
Meredith of Et Tu and You
Ande of Make Me Over Ande and The Plus Side of Black
Anjali of Rock That Look
Emily of Emily Loves
Farah of Faces by Farah
Tamara of Beauty Thesis
Ella of Ella Pretty Blog
Bianca of Bee is the New Blog
My sincere apologies if I missed you!! Let me know and I’ll link to you