Some of you who follow me on Twitter know that the Husband and I recently celebrated 5 years of marriage! It really has flown by and it’s so nice that we’re not sick of each other yet LOL!! We’ve actually been together 12.5 years so we’ve been through a lot together! Anyway, our anniversary fell on a weeknight but we still wanted to go out for a really nice dinner. It was terribly cold and rainy out that night and have to admit part of me just wanted to throw on my PJ’s and cuddle up under the covers, but it’s always nice to get out and have a nice dinner together.
Dress: My LBD Dynamite XS (really old!)
Wrap Sweater – really old too, I don’t remember where I got it!
Shoes: Liz Claiborne size 7 also seen here
Earrings: Avon
I also received this little present in the mail!
Beautiful Baroque Pearl Earrings from Birks!
He definitely knows me well, doesn’t he 
I hope everyone had a great weekend!