Obviously not a beauty or style related post but this event is very dear to me. It’s unfortunate that every single person I know directly knows someone that has had to battle cancer. It’s so easy to get caught up in life’s little worries but we have to remember the bigger picture – and that very quickly life can just change.
This Saturday my husband will be Fighting to End Cancer in a Charity boxing match – Fight to End Cancer put on by Kingsway Boxing Club and The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Last year Fight To End Cancer raised $56,200 in their inaugural event. This, their 2nd annual event to be held at The Old Mill Inn Saturday June 15th has already raised over $90,000 through generous donations and ticket sales for the event.
My husband will be fighting in the first bout. We had a fundraising goal of $2000 which we were able to raise in less than 24 hours through the help of our friends and family
We decided to up his goal to $3000 and we are 77% of the way there! If you would like to donate to the cause you can help my husband reach his goal here or you can donate directly to the cause here. You can also check out all the “white collar” fighters for the event night here.
Tickets are essentially sold out – I believe last week there were only 20 left! I will be at the event so watch for instagram pictures and a follow up post. For more information on the event and to see how you can participate or contribute next year be sure to follow Fight To End Cancer on Facebook and on twitter with the hashtag #FTEC2013.
Cancer touches everyone and following my husband’s lead we should fight while we are able to for those who no longer can. Every little bit makes a difference