Known for casting real women and not models or actresses in their commercials Dove is once again looking for women for their next Campaign.
If you a are a woman between the ages of 23 – 48 and suffer from eczema or psoriasis or have extremely dry skin (I know there are a ton of you out there!) then Dove is looking for you!
Individuals or female duos who are mothers and daughters, sisters, cousins, other family connections or really good friends – and you BOTH suffer from eczema or psoriasis then you could be in this campaign together!
If you are interested you must submit your application by Wednesday July 3rd, 2013 6pm EST to
Here’s what you need:
1. Your name and age + primary and secondary phone numbers.
2. Photos: head shots and full body shots of each of you (if you are submitting together). Don’t worry, no need for professional photos!
3. A brief bio + a description of your journey suffering with eczema or psoriasis.
4. Confirm that you are NOT a model, actor, beauty contestant, reality tv participant or have any prior professional experience in front of a camera
5. Don’t forget to write in the subject line: “DOVE-WOMEN” and include your name and age in the subject line as well – example: DOVE-WOMEN – Jane Smith – Age 34
Also, please note that if you are selected you will need to be present in Toronto for an audition on Thursday July 4, 2013 and shoot will take place on Thursday July 11, 2013.
You will be compensated financially if you are chosen for the shoot but not for the audition.
I think it would be amazing if someone I knew took part in this! I do not suffer from either of these conditions but I know many that do and being an everyday girl as well I can definitely relate to Dove’s campaigns featuring real women. It’s nice to know that they are choosing women who actually represent us
Please share with your loved ones and other women in your circle! And of course if you decide to apply or someone you know does please let me know!