March: the time of year where the weather changes every few minutes, absolutely ruining your outfit plans. Even as I write this, the clouds started out as heavy and gray, then it snowed for 5 minutes, and now there’s bright sun with intense winds! Here’s a roundup of my recent faves and some new launches…
Category: Skin Care
TBR’s Local Loves {Giveaway Closed}
To celebrate my new role as Editor of Toronto Beauty Reviews, I’m having an incredible giveaway through Instagram, featuring some of my favourite Toronto-area products. Read on to find out more about the contest and how you can win my Local Loves prize pack! {Giveaway! TBR’s Local Loves} Disclaimer: The products in the prize…
Banishing Winter Skincare Woes
Winter in Canada can be absolutely magical, but it can also be a challenging time for your skin. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite products to help you banish winter skincare woes and keep your skin healthy and protected while you enjoy our winter wonderland. {Banishing Winter Skincare Woes} Disclaimer: the products featured…
A Korean Skincare Ritual in Just 4 Steps
As a cursory Google search will show you, the Korean skincare ritual is revered around the world for its astonishing results. Most men and women that I know, however, just don’t have the time or energy to spend 90 minutes on their skin twice a day. Jowaé, a new French-Korean skincare brand, aims to get…
Holiday Gift Guide 2018
It’s that time again! Cheesy movies abound on TV, radio stations play the same 12 songs on repeat, and anyone hosting a gathering is frantically cleaning and decorating their house. To help you find the perfect item for everyone on your list, I’ve put together a gift guide filled with my favourite products from this…
New Launches and Fall Favourites 2018
Leaving summer fun behind can be tough, but luckily, some of our favourite brands have released new products to make the transition to fall a little bit easier! The flurry of holiday releases hasn’t yet begun, but these companies are getting in on the action early, launching new skincare, lifestyle, and beauty products that you’ll…
Discovering Organic Beauty Products from Dirty Girl Farm
We’re always excited to learn about eco-friendly, green beauty options here at TBR! Read on to find out more about Dirty Girl Farm, an all-natural, organic skincare company based in Michigan, and their roster of surprising superfood ingredients. {Discovering Organic Beauty Products from Dirty Girl Farm} Disclaimer: I received these products free of charge for…
Getting the Celeb Treatment at TIFF 2018
While it may have a reputation for being more relaxed than some of its counterparts around the globe, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) still brings its share of glitz and glamour to our city for the first two weeks of September. I was lucky enough to get the celeb treatment at this year’s #SDMbeauTIFFul…