My husband’s work Christmas party was on Friday and I wasn’t sure what to wear. I usually put more thought into my outfit but I have seriously been so super busy I’ve been taking it day by day!
I put it out on twitter “red, white or navy”. I had 4 votes for red, 1 vote for white and 1 vote for navy. So red it was and my intent was to wear the dress I posted last year here. (OMG seeing that old post and looking in the mirror today makes me think I need sleep BIG TIME!!!) BUT, I realized that the dress was kind of body hugging and since it was a dinner party I was attending there was no way I could enjoy the food in that dress LOL! Priorities, you know?
So I ended up wearing my white lace crochet Ann Taylor Dress that I showed you here. I was totally inspired by Cee of To Brighten My Day – in fact I practically copied her outfit! Oh man, now that I’m seeing her pictures I even had a similar necklace on LOL!!! Sorry Cee, didn’t mean to be such a copy cat! Ok, here’s the same outfit on me
Shop a similar look: