Happy Monday! I’ve had lots of reservations about doing my own ‘outfit’ posts. I can actually be incredibly self-conscious, and the last thing I’d want to do is having everyone critiquing my outfits! But Elaine quelled my worries, and hence, my very first (yet, very tiny) Outfit post!If you remember Elaine’s original posting, this past weekend…
Tag: Dara Dot Designs
RSVP for an exclusive shopping and DIY event!
I have been blessed as a blogger to be invited to fun and exclusive events around the city but this time I would love for all of you to join me! I have an exciting exclusive DIY and shopping event to tell you about – courtesy of Dara Dot Designs and DesignHerCo. My friend Dara…
My Experience at ANTM Live on the French Connection Canada Style Stage
So I did it! I wasn’t sure if I could handle it but I made it through and I’m so glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone 🙂 The people of French Connection Canada were very accomodating and made the process very easy despite my anxieties! So thank you to ANTM Live and…
Consignment Store Find
***Note: these aren’t recent pictures!Hair is still long and vacation tan still pretty prominent 😉 *** Let me start off by saying I’ve always been intrigued by consignment and vintage shopping but I don’t really have an “eye” for fabulous finds, or scoring that diamond in the rough so I find the whole process kind…
One of A Kind Show – Christmas 2011
Yup, it’s that time of year, Christmas presents are on the mind! I went to the One Of A Kind show last night and it was a late night shopping event, open until 11pm with a DJ on site and free parking after 6pm which is UNHEARD of in Toronto! There was supposedly food and…
Art of Fashion Event
October 1st marked the start of Nuit Blanche and the Art of Fashion’s event kicked off the festivities with a Design Boutique and Competition. There was so much craziness going on at this event! The designs on one side of the room and vendors featuring Canadian artists on the other side. I WISH I had taken more…
Typical Weekend
I don’t have many of those anymore 😛 Weekends these days are filled with little errands here and there, visiting family, star stalking (did you see my video of Jennifer Garner on facebook?!? If not click here!) etc. My idea weekend would be to just trek downtown, see what we can see – there’s ALWAYS…
Navy is a Neutral
I was never a Navy girl before. I think it’s because I was told that it was difficult to pair with black and brown which were the two main colours I wore in my high school years (back then it was about being anonymous 😛 ). Well, I’ve been on a navy kick this summer. I love…