Earth Day is just around the corner – April 22nd! To celebrate I wanted to share with you some of the brands holding great Earth Day initiatives 🙂 At Eminence Organics, everyday is Earth Day but for everyone new “like” on their facebook page they will plant a tree by Earth Day – their goal…
Tag: Garnier
If you recall from this post I was introduced to OLIA hair colour by Garnier but wasn’t sure which colour to get. The kind people of Garnier offered to have their hair expert Nina Farrauto colour my hair and she was excited that I wanted to do the Dark Violet since she hadn’t used that colour yet!…
I’m sure you’ve seen the fabulous commercials for the new OLIA hair colour by Garnier. A while back I was invited to the launch to check out the new hair colour for myself. Unlike most home hair colour, OLIA uses an oil delivery system which allows for better colour absorption. The results are a more…
Battle of the BB Creams: Part 1
Recently, BB Creams have become front and center within the makeup world. It seems like every season, another brand is coming out with their own version of the BB cream (short for Blemish Balm). BB Creams provide the wearer with light foundation coverage, with the added bonus of moisturizer, primer, toner, and even sometimes,…
Skin Care Regime Staples
Have you been wondering what’s in Ashley’s skin care rotation? I certainly have – and if you’ve seen Ash in real life you’ll understand why! ***** I’m always interested in skin regimes – I find the difference among woman’s skin types absolutely fascinating. What works for one seldom work for another. What works for one…